Sunday, May 6, 2007

Steve Chapman's venal, insidious racism

(MG) Now that Zell owns the Chicago Tribune, I expect to see more frequent forays onto the pity pot of poor, abused, mistreated white males. Steve Chapman started my week out filling me full of fire, piss and vinegar. His alleged deconstruction of the "myth" of "driving while black" is a perfect example of the most dangerous kind of racisim. The smug, "I'm not a racist and I can prove that YOU are racist for calling me racist and I've got the data to back me up to prove it" type of cloying treacle too often passing for sophisticaed scholastic analysis. Pundits are frequently innumerate .. so are the US (and world) populations at large.

(MG) Much better to deal with people who just out and tell you how all n***ers are lazy, criminals. They know who they are and what they believe -- they are forces of chaos and anarchy / and they are very smug and proud of themselves -- and when you CALL them on it, it washes over them as if they have an umbrella ... and they will belabor the point ... because they are SO convinced of the rightness, the correctness, the lucidity of their beliefs. Racist pigs. They drive me nuts. And they just don't get it ... I so totally disagree with them, and I am appalled by their attitudes.

(MG) At least with people such as these, one realizes (eventually, no matter how much one would like to like them) that they cannot be engaged in polite conversation, because ALL of their conversations eventually return to how much they despise black people. So, one learns to avoid contact. Besides, even when they can be interesting, the longer you sit and listen to their stories, even the ones not tainted with outright hatred, the more you realize they are essentially one-trick ponies .. because they repeat those stories, over, and OVER, and OVER again and again. So ... why get angry at their racism (which won't ever go away)... more appropriate to get angry at their wasting YOUR time.

(MG) Or immigrants. At my father's barber shop, Phil the Lip who's quick on the quip doesn't like people of color. Blacks (to him) are all lazy. He even has one black customer. Fear comes from within .. he despises blacks because inwardly, he is afraid of them ... who knows why? His parents were born in Italy. They died before they could ever get any money from social security. And those damned blacks, they just get all the breaks ... okay ... got it ... he doesn't like his tax dollars going to undeserving, lazy black folk. And Hispanics don't even speak English .. he cites as an example his forays to MacDonald's .. where, are we all know, the MacDonald's corporation hires Hispanics who can't speak English in order to frustrate as many of its white English speaking customers as possible, obviously.

(MG) For the record, the NEXT lazy black person I meet, will be the first. The NEXT lazy non-English-speaking Mexican person I meet, will be the first. And, at least relative to my cohort, for somebody living in zip code 60010, I meet quite a few Black and Hispanic-speaking people. (I take public transportation a lot, and I simply love to talk with strangers. If it weren't for Hispanics, 80% of the lawns in town would never get mown. I invariably greet landscapers with a smile and a buenos dias, and an offer of a cigarette. Just seems like an hospitable thing to do .. have spent quite a bit of time in Hispanic taverns, and met people as nice, as kind, as generous, as gregarious as any there are. The great irony, I can "get away" with "crossing over" BECAUSE I am white (except for the Commanche part, well, maybe except for the Scottish parts and the Welsh parts too) and the mere fact that an anglo takes the time to engage a person of a different race in conversation establishes a bond of humanity that doth please the Lord greatly.

(MG) I cannot make the same statements about some of the white strangers I attempt to engage in conversation. In that cohort, I get mixed reviews. But then, as anyone who reads this blog regularly knows, white people can be bat shit crazy.

Racial profiling myth continues to live on - by Steve Chapman

Published May 6, 2007

We've all heard of the offense of "driving while black." But not everyone has heard the good news: It doesn't exist anymore. According to an authoritative report, black motorists are no more likely than whites to be pulled over by police. So how has that study been greeted? As proof that police racism is still a powerful force.

(MG) Hopefully this "authoritative report" will be identified.

It's a widely accepted article of faith that cops systematically engage in racial profiling against dark-complexioned folks.
(MG) I'm going out on a limb here ... it is a widely accepted FACT that cops systematically engage in racial profiling against dark-complexioned folks ... note, the original premise of thie op-ed piece is that "driving while black" is a myth ...okay ... but systemic engagement in racial profiling extends to FAR more than motor vehicle offenses ... I will include supporting information later on Yet this is the second consecutive survey from the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics—using information supplied not by police but by citizens—that finds law enforcement to be admirably colorblind when it comes to routine traffic enforcement. Not a puny achievement, but one that was overlooked by people straining to find lingering discrimination.

(MG) Just who these "people straining to find lingering discrimination" are is not made clear, but, Chapman puts those boogey men out there anyway .. and he will rip them apart, I can just tell

The complaint is that though they get stopped at the same rate as whites, minority motorists are more likely to get unfavorable treatment during the stop.
(MG) Is this some new complaint? Because this is the third quite distinct subset of "police profiling" that Chapman either mentions directly or alludes to .. he keeps moving the bar" According to BJS, 3.6 percent of whites are searched, compared with 9.5 percent of blacks and 8.8 percent of Latinos. African-Americans are more likely to have force used against them and to be arrested. And they more often feel their treatment is unwarranted. (MG) I would feel this way too with anecdotal evidence backed by hard statistics supporting the anectdotal evidende.

What can we make of these figures?
(MG) Whatever we want to make of them .. that's simply what one does with numbers when one is defending one's position ... Not what is claimed by critics like those at the American Civil Liberties Union, which labeled the disparities "disturbing," and columnist Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post, who detected "powerful evidence that racial profiling is alive and well." Some people get their exercise jumping to conclusions.

(MG) Now do the "some people" who "get their exercise jumping to conclusions" include more folks than the accursed bastardly ACLU and columnist Eugene Robinson of the WaPo? Just who in the world are these "some people" ... straw men and women? Existant only in the space in Chapman's skull where a mind might lurk, were it not for the cesspool of confusion and smug self-satisfaction that must come from being a ChiTrib editorial board director, and white supremacy apologist ... because ... Chapman is going to rationalize away the indeed "disturbing" disparities

The researchers at BJS tried to discourage snap judgments.
(MG) Possibly, also at least as possible, they tried to obfuscate their report .. after all .. let us n'ere forget, the BJS is quite likely staffed by Bush appointees, and there is NUTHING in the world the Bushees love to better than lie to our faces "The apparent disparities documented in this report do not constitute proof that police treat people differently along demographic lines," they warn. (MG) "They WARN?" hell .. is this a warning, or is this an obfuscation ... only our beloved numbers crunchers might know for sure, only the people who kept sending the original report back for re-writing would have a clue "Any of these disparities might be explained by countless other factors and circumstances that were not taken into account in the analysis."

(MG) Or, the MIGHT be explained by racial profiling ...

Plenty of other elements could generate these divergent patterns.
(MG) But then so could racial profling ... I have always preferred Occam's Razor, when in doubt Why would black drivers be arrested more often? Maybe because African-Americans commit crimes at a far higher rate and are convicted of felonies at a far higher rate. (MG) Or maybe not In 2005, for instance, blacks were nearly seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. (MG) Quite true ... it was true in 2003 also .. and in 2000 .. the reasons for the higher incarceration rates DO in fact, need to be studied and analyzed ... Chapman will NOT do so here

Those disparities are bound to affect the outcome of traffic stops.
(MG) If these disparities are bound to affect the outcome of traffic stops .. then maybe we need a cogent analysis of the source from which such disparities flow .... Most blacks, like most whites, are not crooks. (MG) Richard Nixon was not a crook either ... I can tell you how I know ... because Richard Nixon told me so ... "I am not a crook" But since the average black driver is statistically more likely to be a criminal than the average white driver, he's (MG) Are there no she black dirvers? more likely to have an outstanding arrest warrant—which the police would find when running a computer check of his license. (MG) But WAIT a minute ... these are NOT incarcerated blacks that are getting stopper for motor vehicle violations .... the incarcerated blacks are NOT driving, Chapman --- you freaking dimwit A computer check that turns up a long rap sheet will probably induce the patrol officer to ask for a look inside the trunk. (MG) So, incarcerated black folks have long rap sheets? SOME incarceration offenses in fact deprive the offender of driving "priveleges"

A motorist of felonious habits is also more likely to have illegal guns or drugs on board.
(MG) Not necessarily .. depends on what type of felonius habits they have ... I'm a convicted felon .. and I have never carried a gun in my life ... much less in my car ... never carried illegal drugs "on board" either If the contraband is visible to a traffic cop, or If it shows up in a search, the driver can expect to be arrested. Not to mention that the vehicle itself may turn out to be stolen.

Given the racial gap in crime rates, it would be a shock if traffic stops didn't generate more searches and arrests of blacks than whites.
(MG) The seasoned criminals with whom I have ridden over hill and dale and across the country side and city streets DON'T get stopped and searched .. they drive like MANIACS to flee detention .... you'll have to trust me on this one ... been there, done that Even in a world where cops are completely free of racial prejudice, (MG) This phrasing is astonishing ... "EVEN in a world where cops are completely free of racial prejudice ... Chapman is pretty much telling us here that in THIS world .. cops are NOT completely free of racial prejudice .... but then ... WE ALREADY KNOW THAT that is exactly what you would expect. There is a similar difference, after all, between the sexes—males are nearly twice as likely as females to be arrested during a stop. Is that because cops are sexists? No, it's because men commit more crimes. (MG) No, Chapman, you poop-for-brains fool ... it's not because men commit more crimes .. it's because they break more motor vehicle laws ... Chapman keeps going back and forth, equating crime-committing criminals and people who get stopped for motor vehicle transgressions ... simply not the same things

Trying to find "compelling" evidence of racism in this data is a fruitless task.
(MG) Well, there was enough MEAT in this data for Chapman to find "compelling" evidence of a LACK of racisim in the data ... which ... in the bush/rovian/fundamentalis rethuglican world, where up is down and North is South seems about par for the course Robinson makes much of the fact that blacks who are stopped are more likely to be sent on their way without any corrective action, even an oral warning. (MG) I'm inclined to side with what Chapman reports as Robinson's analysis ... in fact, one might conclude, based on the numbers of blacks stopped and sent on their way without any corrective actions .. that in fact, blacks are SAFER drivers than whites ... they just get stopped for being black ... Occam's Razor cutting once again That, he says, "suggests there was no good reason to stop these people." Or it might suggest that cops cut African-American motorists a bit more slack on petty issues, perhaps in the hope of improving their reputation. (MG) A lot of might-ing, suggest-ing and perhaps-ing going on here ... in Chapman's world, apparently, the data could be used to make EITHER case ... and we can be REAL sure that Law Enforcement authorities are HIGHLY committed to hoping to improve their reputations in the African-American communities ... WHY? because ... well ... because LE authorities have a proven history of discrimination ... and the City of Chicago has paid 10's of millions of dollars in punitive damage awards BECAUSE of police brutality taken out with a vengeance upon the black community

Whatever they do, the cops can't win.
(MG) Boo hoo .. the poor, poor poor poor cops .. the ones with badges, who carry guns, who can call back up .. these poor guys, they just can't seem to win ... Win WHAT? Is this some kind of freaking GAME our LE agents are playing? Chapman's metaphor seems to suggest as much because where in life do we have winners and losers? Upon the playing fields of life Blacks don't get stopped more often? Big deal. Blacks have higher arrest rates? Proof of racism. More blacks are let off without a warning? More proof of racism.

And if fewer blacks were let off without a warning? I'll let you guess how that would be interpreted.

(MG) Shorter Chapman ... if it weren't for black people, there wouldn't be any racism
(MG) Ass clown racist white apologist PIG

(MG) Here are some thundering examples of racial profling by police:

(1) In New York City, police open fire on four black men seen leaving a stip club in a nice car at 4 a.m., they fire 51 shots into the bachelor party group, killing the groom

(2) In a small town in Texas, 40 black people are arrested on drug charges brought by a law enforcement officer whose notes cannot be found ... this event causes a minor media stir, and their convictions are subsequently overturned

(3) In Texas, a 14-year old black girl trying to enter her school is arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison for pushing a white teacher while a white girl who had previously burned down her house was released from jail

(4) In Florida, a 6-year old black girl was arrested at school and charged with:
  • disruption of a school function §877.13 (a second degree misdemeanor)
  • battery school employee §784.081 (which can be charged as either a first degree misdemeanor or a third degree felony)
  • resisting w/o violence §843.02 (a first degree misdemeanor)
Upon arrest, the cops took her to the county jail, and booked her, taking mug shots and finger prints.

(MG) Now, none of these people were stopped driving motor vehicles while being black, but they WERE in fact VICTIMS of racist practices of police departments that are hardly serving and protecting.