Thursday, March 24, 2011

Josh Leonard: Respect science when
it comes to climate change

And ignore pundits like Jason Lewis.
There are websites that will help you
assess the evidence.

Last update: March 22, 2011 - 7:09 PM
Do you ever notice how climate-change
deniers don't use science? They seem to have
an argument until you realize that it's not

A March 20 column by Jason Lewis ("Getting
warm. Or cool. Let's make policy
!") was an

Whenever I encounter an argument denying
global warming, I apply the following three-
part filter:

1. Does it cite scientific research?
2. Does it look at long-range data?
3. Does it explain major global trends
a. Global glacial retreat?
b. The polar sea ice cap disappearing?
c. The 10 hottest years on record occurring
within the past 14 years?

Deniers might pretend to address one or two
of the above questions but can never fully
address all three.

They quote pundits like Rush Limbaugh or
conservative think tanks like the Heartland
Institute (which also advocates that
secondhand smoke doesn't affect your

They look at short-term data. They
conveniently forget that there is a new
shipping lane opening up through the North
Pole because the 
polar ice cap is smaller
than it ever has been
If you are a climate-change denier, or if you
are confused, please 
look at the science. The
climate isn't decided by a politician or a p
undit; it just happens regardless of what we

Scientists are qualified to report on changes
in the climate. Pundits are not.
