Lords of Acid – Sextreme Ball 2010 Show Review
The Sextreme Ball 2010 tour features My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, Blownload, and Lords of Acid hitting 20 states, starting with Seattle, WA and ending in Phoenix AZ. The show pictured below is the St. Petersburg Florida show at the State Theatre on August 6th, 2010.
The show was sold out and all of the bands played with a high level of energy, but no band was more amazingly intense as the Lords of Acid. Some of the show highlights included Praga Khan, the bands founder, crowd surfing during the show. Vocalist Lacey Conner was all over the place, everything from crowd surfing, to climbing the scaffolding on BOTH sides of the stage during the set, all while singing.
Bassist Murv Douglas was in the crowd during the My Life with the Thill Kill Kult show, and the whole audience in party-mode. The Lords of Acid ended the show with two encore songs, as well as promising to see everyone next year.
Praise the Lords…
Recommended? YES YES YES!!!
The Sold Out Crowd for the Lords of Acid
Lacey Conner Singing from the Scaffolding
See more:Lords of Acid