A lot of people think, when I tell them that I will be running for President of the United States in 2008 that either I'm kidding, or drunk, or delusional, or in the throes of a hypomanic episode.

One of my friends who knows I'm serious told me, "It takes a lot of money."

I didn't take the time to bother him with this rejoinder:

I don't want your money - I just want your vote. I'm not trying to BUY the office of the POTUS. I'm trying to get elected.

Hopefully my announcement will hit the WEB sometime late Sunday night, or perhaps Monday morning - it'll be coterminously with the world premiere performance of my musical rendition of the first 50-60 lines of The Epic of Gilgamesh -- to which I sent an invitation to the International Islamic Council of the Greater Chicago Area.

No more fucking war.
No more fucking medals.
No more fucking democratic war-mongers in office.

Let's implement a non-senility test for Supreme Justices. Assuming they cheated and all of them passed it, I'd personally see to it that the most senile would be unlikely to take many more breaths.

THEN ... as POTUS .. I'd nominate Hillary ... and get her the fuck OUT of democratic party politics forever. (I'd make William Jefferson Clinton special counsel to the office of the president).

Oh .. and for sure ... Barak Obama would never dare run for that office. I'd call him on his pandering ways -- his abdictation of the black (hispanic, asian, imporverished unemplyed mentally ill) community to the thrall of police bullets murdering and the applause of all the racial supremicists that now inhabit WAY too many of the halls of power and "justice" in the U.S.

Warm regards,


Karen Nevins <kmarie@gis.net> wrote:
read your comment -- right on.  thanks for taking the time to be so eloquent and clear.