Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hillary Clinton Says U.S. Can’t Legalize Drugs Because There is “Too Much Money in It” -- HILLARY, YOU SURE AIN'T NO BILL CLINTON

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has drawn criticism from drug legalization advocates regarding comments she made during a Mexican news interview. Clinton argued the United States cannot legalize drugs because there is “too much money in it.” Clinton went on to say, “You can legalize small amounts for possession, but those who are making so much money selling, they have to be stopped.”   NO,  HILLALRY, YOU BLATHERING CUNT, YOU TAX THE BIG SELLERS AND END THE DEFICIT PROBLEMS, GET SOCIAL SECURITY FUNDED FOR INFINITY AND THEN MABY TAKE A SERIOUS LOOK AT HOW THE MEDICARE DOLLARS ARE MISALLOCATED     

Clinton suggested legalization would give traffickers an easier road to take because they would find it in their interest to addict minors.    CHRIST ON A CROSS CRUCIFIED - ADDICT MINORS?  NO FUCKING WAY - THERE IS MORE THAN SUFFICIENT MONEY TO BE MADE FEEDING THE HABITS OF THE 25-39 YEAR OLD, WHITE, MALE, COLLEGE-EDUCATED, MAKING MORE THAN #100,000 PER YEAR  -- LET THE COUSINS ADDICT THE MINORS - LET THE CHILDREN OF THE UBER RICH IN PLACES LIKE BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS, HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS, WILMETTE ILLINOIS WORRY ABOUT ADDICTING THE MINORS Critics contend Clinton has misunderstood fundamental problems of illegal drug trade—in particular, the concept that a great deal of money is made selling illegal drugs precisely because they are illegal. Clinton’s comments came in an interview focusing on Mexican President Felipe Calderón’s drug war, which, since its inception in 2006, has cost an estimated 34,000 lives, including more than 1,000 minors.