I agree with you that the old left-right paradigm is breaking down. The breakdown was virtually pre-ordained in the specific matter of these "wars of choice - invasion and occupation" which INVARIABLY end up costing far too dearly - in treasure, surely, and in the blood, more impurely. The ending of the American War upon the Vietnamese people was mandated to Nixon by the council of the "Wise Men" who said: this must cease (because war is only good for some businesses - and carries the risk of putting all other businesses out of business). Why these lessons are not made a mandatory part of this nation's core educational ciriculums (history and business) saddens and bitterly disappointments me. So many issues, so inter-related.  Chief Seattle said it so well: "All things are connected." Thanks so much for time and feed back and for the great and important work you do. Warm regards, Mark

Thanks for the sweet note.  Bump will be back on
Saturday at a new location

We got hit by a 'bot trackback spam attack on
Wednesday morning and the server host firm took us
offline for using too much bandwidth.  We are moving
to a new server, hosted by a friend, with a new build
of the Movable Type platform which is more resistant
to spam attacks, thanks to pogge.  I'm very lucky in
my friends.

If you go to the new URL, you'll see a placeholder
page until the new intallation is complete.

This has been a week of anxiety and learning lots of
new skills along with great gratitude to the generous
friends who have stepped up to help.

I hope to see you at the shiny new Bump as soon as we
get her back online.


--- mark ganzer <ganzerm@msn.com> wrote:

> Melanie,
> It looks like "Just a Bump" is having some technical
> difficulties.
> I hope those difficulties aren't taking too large of
> a toll on you
> and your support team.
> Don't know how long one must live to fully
> appreciate the simple
> truth expressed in Joni Mitchell's tag from Big
> Yellow Taxi --
>    Don't it always seem to go
>    That you don't know what you've got till it's
> gone
> You do such a great job selecting the important
> stories of the day.
> And you commentaries - such pith, such passion.
> (And for introducing me to Real Live Preacher -- the
> one place I
> know to go when the crush of events seem to become
> unbearable).
> Thanks for caring enough to give so much.
> Mark