You have my fondest regards and best wishes for your publishing enterprise.

I'll keep you in my prayers.

I intend to soon make a general announcement of my candidacy for President of the United States. Hoping to get Danny Glover for my running mate. This should not be impossible unless he's not interested (Samuel Jackson is a very close 2nd choice).

I hope to form a coalition of

Liberal Christian Churches
People of color
Working single moms
18-29 year old females

#1 priority - end media consolidation
#2 nationalize the following industries with are CRITICAL to this nation's defense:

    oil & gas
    coal & timber
    health insurance

#3 repeal Taft-Hartley

#4 take away from corporations (pieces of paper) their status as equal to human beings (flesh, bone & blood creatures)

#5 cut defense spending by 50%

#6 tax reform - reduce the marginal tax rate to a flat 25%
    on all incomes in excess of SOME number which will vary by geographic and regional socio-economic conditions

Tax ALL income, including dividends, interest, and capital gains at the 25% rate

Reduce corporate tax rate to 25%

special tax on all individuals earning more than the president of the United States (excessive compensation and uber-good living tax) equals 25% of the amount by which an individual's gross income exceeds the gross salary of POTUS.

Reduce the social security tax rate to some amount ... BUT ... SS taxes to be paid on ALL income, no matter how high, including divdends, interest, and capital gains

So - if you care to float my name out there, I'd appreciate it ... more details to follow.

Warm regards