From: Mark Ganzer []
Subject: Oops - make that four - 
My good good friend and Viet Nam Marine veteran Steve Wilson, who works in an administrative capacity with the International Brotherhood of Electircal Workers (and passes out all the wonderful stuff off the internet on the Union Pacific Northwest Suburban line from Chicago to Harvard ... and has converted approximately four score and seven "conservaitve" (read -- cheap labor) fellow riders from repulican party politics to a more vote for the candidate with the most honesty and integrity -- the woman or man you trust most to do the right thing for working people ...

Steve also applauded my idea .. EXCEPT .. he didn't think the Gilgamesh story would have a whole lot of people in this solopsistic overly wealthy neck of the woods.

So, let me think ... a coalition of ... the gay & lesbian communities, working mothers, and veterans against all wars ... hell, if only I could get Carlos Santana to be my running mate ... that'd get the Hispanic vote ... there goes Florida, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California ... New York ... how many electoral votes again, does it take?

And I ain't even CONSIDERING (in that calcus) the liberal protestant churches, liberal catholics, the Nation of Islam, and the black communities ... all of whom I can offer some hope ... 

There are so many colors in the rainbow, 
So many colors in the morning sun,
So many colors in a flower,
And I see everyone

[And the folkies, and coffe-house denizens everywhere ... oops .. forgot about Actors Equity Guild ... not to mention bartenders, drunks, pot-smokers, nurses, teachers ... unions .. and the Sicilian Mafia (my choice for secretary of Labor gets out of federal penitentury in March or April, 2007)

Okay ... book title:

It HAS Happened Here -- how the fascist neo-nazi philosophies have seduced the corporate and political elites in America to coopt Jesus Christ as their own "Santa Claus" in their promotion of a corporate state with no respect for workers, women, intellectual, people of color, the poor, the disabled, and the mentally ill."

     With a selection of essays (previously published) by such luminaries as

    Howard Zinn
    Leo Schlain
    Sidney Blumenthal
    William Jefferson Clinton
    Hillary Rodham Clinton
    Wayne Madsen
    Ron Susskind
    Al Sharpton
    The Reverend Jesse Jackson
    (and you too darln')

           amongst others

Just another anthology -- hopefully with funding from George Soros, Al Gore, perhaps the Jewish Defense League ... this things can steam roll, IF done correctly .. and with patience, due diligence to details (I ain't no detail minded person) a little luck, some help from we friends, and by the Grace of God Herself

Enjoy the visit -- yes, these creatures DO in fact feel chosen

Well, I'm off to the library, looking for the November, 2005 National Geographic which has this incredible story ... cell testing has shown that human beings have about 8 times as many microbial cells as human cells .... kind of makes you question what it means to be human ... or what it means to be male or female ... or just about a WHOLE lots of things.

Mark wrote:
Oh, you really are funny:-) I'm on my way to the Louvre Atlanta, compliments of my sister, or I would take more time to respond to this. I'll return to it after I get home. I love that story about Liza. I think my daughter will, too, since she is a lesbian--although--since a baby has moved into the condo next to hers, she's decided that she never wants to have anything to do with babies. This one is disrupting her sleep schedule, which is to stay awake for 30-straight hours writing school papers and then sleep for 24. 

Anyway, when I get home, I'll return to this email and consider the strands that weave through the dominionist movement, nationalism, nazism, zionism (irony of  ironies with that one) racism, and empire building. Off the top of my head, I would suspect that they all think they are especially singled out as the elite who should rule the world but do they all believe that they are singled out by God? The nazis had some sort of return to mythical thinking, but I don't remember how they saw God. I'll consider it and get back to you.

Good luck tonight. I'm sure that those other 197 responses will come in today.  I'm not sure if I even know 200 people or maybe I do, but I sure wouldn't know how to contact them all. 

A bridge player, huh?:-)
