I'm sorry. I didn't see this email until today. I will think on this. I would have to find people willing to consider fiction as a vehicle for serious thought, but it could be done. You are funny, by the way.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Ganzer [mailto:ganzermark@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, December 10, 2006 06:42 AM
To: pms_213@sheshere.net
Subject: some more thoughts on your search for a publisher
I just had another thought -- about getting your work on the dominionist movement published ...

might you consider a collaboration? for example .. Wayne Madsen has done a lot of work on the "christian mafia" which is dominionist movement if 'ere there was one

dave neiwert at orcinus has done some seminal work on fascism, rush limbaugh ... and a few other related items

the people at the talk left web site have also been diligently documenting the fundamentalist christien right wing attempts to take over main line protestant denominations (which was pretty successful as far as the southern baptists were concerned, tracking towards very sucessful within the episcopalean church, some big swipes out of the United Church of ChristPresbyterians & Methodists .. there's even an small movement within the American Lutheran Church ... the faith confessing church movement ... and, given my former church's female pastor worked for Dennis Hastert for years .. and was fucking PROUD of it (still might be) somebody ought to ask her, "

Are you now, or have you ever been
A memeber of the faith confessing church?

But a collaborative work attacking the situation from different perspectives would be of serious use to academics, law enforcement, and CITIZENS who, if given sufficient information ... eventually will get it right

Oops ... my alarm will go off in about 45 minutes .. and I got no smokes

rofl ... gotta get set for choir reherrsal

Warm regards,
