Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Newspaper report reveals private school in Hashemite Kingdom using textbook containing chapters on Holocaust, Anne Frank. Deputy PM launches commission of inquiry to 'write report about implications of incident'

Jordan bans textbook on Holocaust
Roee Nahmias
Israel News, Ynetnews

A private school in Jordan stirred the anger of many in the Hashemite Kingdom after it was revealed that one of its English textbooks includes a chapter about the Holocaust and even quotes excerpts of Anne Frank's diary.

The "sensational affair" was uncovered by local newspaper Al-Dustour and led the Jordanian Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Dr. Khalid Karaki to order the establishment of a commission of inquiry that will "examine and write a report about the implications of the incident."

Change of Plans

Hamas rejects Holocaust Museum trip / Roee Nahmias

"Terror group" demands UN agency cancel tour planned for excelling students in Washington

Following the initial report, the Education Ministry issued an official response in which it said it "prohibits the inclusion of additional study materials, unless they have received an official approval. The ministry will look into other schools that have used similar materials, and has instructed the school to stop using the textbook," it read.

The ministry also warned that it will take measures against institutions that do not comply with its guidelines.

Earlier this week, Hamas condemned the United Nations following UNRWA's plan to take honorary student from the Gaza Strip on a tour in the United States, which will include a visit to the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C.

Despite Hamas' objection, other Islamic organizations lauded the initiative. Secretary- General of the Islamic Society of North America, Dr. Sayyid Syeed, sent a letter to New York State Rabbi Marc Schneier, in which he emphasized the importance of the visit and called to hold it as planned.

Syeed noted the Holocaust Museum had a tremendous educational value, which can help visitors understand the dire consequences the Holocaust can lead to.
