Thursday, March 31, 2011

  • signatures: 5,858
  • signature goal: 1,000

To:  The US Congress and The Supreme Court: Public Information Officer, Supreme Court of the United States, Washington, DC 20543.
We the Citizens, signed below, of the United States of America, hereby request that President Barack Hussein Obama II, be Impeached from office and a Impeachment election be prepared. Based on the following unanswered questions and concerns of the American people:
1.       Voter irregularities around the country, during the 2008 Presidential Election, involving ACORN and illegal voter registration.
2.       The questionable funding and television sponsorship of Obama which unfairly presented the facts between each candidate.
3.       Barack Hussein Obama II actual birth place.
4.       His application and subsequent acceptance of a fellowship scholarship as a Foreign Citizen
5.       His recent comments claiming America is no longer a Christian Nation
6.       His comments claiming America is a Great Muslim Nation.
7.       His seeking to take over and control the banking institution
8.       His take over actions of America%u2019s auto industry
9.       Grave concerns of releasing Classified Military Documentation
10.   The impending closure of GUTMO
11.   His continued apologies to foreign countries about America being a strong Nation.
The most fundamental right of the citizens of these United States is to be presented with true and accurate facts on candidates that are seeking the presidency of the United States of America. The unanswered questions with regards to campaign funding, grass-root efforts by ACORN to get voters registered at any cost, concerns on why Barack Hussein Obama II received a Fellowship Scholarship based on his Foreign National Citizenship,  certified copies of his original birth certificate and most importantly, his intentions behind making claims that America is no longer a Christian Nation, must be addressed and defined to the satisfaction of the Citizens of America.
Thus, we the people seek the recall of President Barrack Hussein Obama II, and respectfully request the House of Representatives and the Senate to move forward with a recall action immediately.

The Citizens of the United States of America  less