Friday, April 20, 2007

Kucinich to Sponsor Impeach Cheney Bill

From the Common Dreams web site comes this about time news

Sources close to the office of Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) confirm that the progressive Democratic congressman and Democratic presidential aspirant intends to introduce a bill of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 25. The move will mark the second time that an impeachment bill has been submitted against a member of the Bush administration. Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) filed a bill of impeachment against President Bush in December of last year, just as the 109th Congress was about to end, and as Rep. McKenney was about to leave office (she was defeated in last November’s election).


Kucinich’s action marks a major step forward for impeachment activists, who have been frustrated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who has repeatedly stated that she has no interest in having the House hold impeachment hearings against president or vice president (and who has been leaning hard on Democratic caucus members in the House not to file impeachment bills).

(MG) The clarion cry from the right will be "partisan politics". Perhaps Pelosi fears a backlash. IMO Kucinich's move is far more poltically (and morally) astute. Going after the puppet master, whose approval ratings nationwide at one time hovered around 19%, will feed the appetites of Americans hungry for some one to punish, for the lies of the Iraq invasion, for the firing of the attorneys general.

(MG) Perhaps Pelosi hoped to be able to fashion bi-partisan cooperation in advancing certain agendas that would benefit the majority of Americans. I can never know. You can never know. WHY? is the single most pointless question one might ever ask. Frequently, the perpetrator won't be able to give an honest answer. "The devil made me do it" explanation offered by Flip Wilson so many years ago resonates ... why do we do the dumb things we do? the things we know better than to do? what sometimes leads us like moths to the flame? Far more complicated issues, especially in the face of monumental muck ups. The world is neither black nor white, but containing myriad shades of gray.

By bucking Pelosi and filing his bill, Kucinich may force the mainstream corporate media to start discussing the idea. There has been a virtual blackout on impeachment in the media, which has not even been asking the question in polls, since a year ago, when Pelosi made it clear she had no interest in impeachment.

(MG) Well ... YEAH, there has been a virtual blackout on impeachment in the media. Who owns the media? Rich, white, conservative, republican white guys. Impeach Bush, impeach Cheney, one might encounter a scenario where media consolidation comes back on the table. Where the so-called "death tax" (rich people escaping taxes during their lifetime accumulations of unrealized capital gains) might be extended to even more than the top 1% of wealthiest estates.

Kucinich’s move comes as citizens across the country are bringing impeachment resolutions to town meetings, city councils, Democratic Party county and state committees, and even state legislatures–and getting them passed.

(MG) The ear of Kucinich, and remember, he is from OHIO, which has a lot of residents who are republican by birth. If he's willing to risk the "back lash" from his constiuents, one might assume he has polled them and deems such a move at this time to be in harmony with the "will of the people."

The Democratic Party Establishment has been resisting impeachment, fearing that it could “turn off” independent voters, although the few polls that have been conducted suggest that a majority of Americans, and even not a few Republicans, favor impeaching the president. But as the administration’s scandals have grown in number and seriousness, from financial chicanery to voter suppression to political firings of federal prosecutors to illegal spying on citizens, and as the president’s War in Iraq has lurched from bad to catastrophic, public pressure is mounting for Democrats to take tougher action.

(MG) The pols and the MSM will be the last to know.

Kucinich’s bill may not in itself put Bush’s impeachment back on the Congressional table, but it could whet the public’s appetite for more substantial fare.

(MG) The public's appetite is whetted. Now we merely need to offer up to the MSM corporate republican stenographic opinion writers and editors fare sufficient to get them to gorge themselves at the table of eat the lame duck VP for lunch .. and cheney. Remember back in the days, the joys of roasting Spiro Agnew over an open spirogot?