Saturday, June 28, 2008

72 Filibusters in ten months - a record

Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) has been a long-time advocate of doing something about global warming. During Bill Moyers Journal of 27 June, 2008 she discusses how the republicans forced a reading of the entire bill into the congressional record. It took ten hours for the complete reading. The transcript picks up here:

BARBARA BOXER: Those poor clerks had to stay there over time reading the bill. It was a stall--

BILL MOYERS: Four hundred and ninety-two pages' worth?

BARBARA BOXER: --a stall tactic.

SEN. HARRY REID: We find ourselves confronting an orchestrate effort by the Republican leader to delay and obstruct. We've seen this play a record number of times before this body. In ten months we all know they broke the two year-filibuster record. We're now, I believe, at 72 filibusters.

72 filibusters in ten months. I had heard nothing of this before. So much for bi-partisan politics.