Saturday, June 7, 2008

A day in the life

Dr. Martin Kilson, PhD, relates this story in a Black Commentator article entitled What Obama's Democratic Party Nomination Victory Means.

This simple fact: white folks will never understand nor comprehend the every day racism directed at people of color in America. NEVER.

A 55 year-old black woman named Ruth Simmons came to New York on an autumn shopping trip in the first year of the twentieth-first century and chose to examine the finery at Saks Fifth Avenue, one of the city’s premier emporiums. She soon became aware that her movements were being followed by the store’s security people, evidently fearful that she was a potential, if not likely, shoplifter. “And I greatly resented that,” she said in recounting the incident. To add to her distress that day, a taxi driver locked his door as Simmons neared so that she could not get in. What made these slights, endured daily and disproportionately by black Americans, worth noting is that Ruth Simmons is president of Brown University.