Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Operating like a stealth paramilitary unit

Writing at Counterpunch, Mike Whitney notes that:

On Friday, after the market had closed, the FDIC shut down two more banks, First Heritage Bank and First National Bank. Kaboom. Two weeks earlier, regulators seized Indymac Bancorp following a run by depositors. The FDIC now operates like a stealth paramilitary unit, deploying its shock troops on the weekends to do their dirty work out of the public eye and at times when it will least effect the stock market. The reasons for this are obvious; there's only one thing the government hates more than seeing flag-draped coffins on the evening news, and that's seeing long lines of frantic people waiting impatiently to get what's left of their savings out of their now-deceased bank. Lines at the bank signal that the system is broken.

When in doubt, blame it all on the usual suspects -- internet blogs (fast becoming the newest threat, right up there next to commies, pinkos, fags, feminazis, dark-skinned aliens, elitists, intellectuals, democratics, and LIBERALS)

An article in the San Francisco Business Times said that the FDIC is worried about the reporting on Internet blogs. They'd rather keep the information about the troubles in the banking system out of the news. Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., summed it up like this after the run on Indymac:

"The blogs were a bit out of control. We're very mindful of the media coverage and blogs in controlling misinformation. All I can say is [we're] going to continue to stay on top of it. The misinformation that came out over the weekend fed a lot of depositors' fears."