Thursday, August 21, 2008

Imaginary conversations & malicious projections sullying the oasis of measured reflection

I am not alone in my disgust for MoDo's tripe. James Wolcott offers a suggestion for disengaging the harpie from NYT's op-ed pages. I remember Steve Gilliard paying Wolcott's writing VERY high praise. The paragraph which follows is as good as literary wit, criticism, insight, and irony get:

Far from the Madding Dowd

If only Maureen Dowd could fulfill her heart's delight and tour the country in a dinner theater production of His Girl Friday, playing the Rosalind Russell role with a phone to her ear opposite beefcake emeritus Lyle Waggoner. Anything to get her off the op-ed page of the Times, where her imaginary conversations and malicious projections sully the crystal waters of insight and reason, the oasis of measured reflection, into which William Safire, John Tierney, A. M. Rosenthal, William Kristol, Ann Althouse, and other intellectual nobilities have peed. How can she poison what they've already polluted? By giving each column that extra special dash of dementia.