Sunday, February 1, 2009

An idiosyncratic genius

At a Christmas party this evening, (Tom needed sudden gall bladder surgery in December moving back their annual party plans) we were treated to a delightful anecdote about Frank Lloyd Wright.

The story-teller grew up in one Frank Lloyd Wright house in River Forest, and then moved into another FLW home after selling the first house before it was even advertised when a neighbor, upon hearing that they were moving said, "We'd like to buy your house."

The architect would periodically return to houses he had built. For the more famous houses, the returns were regular, and announced; for the less famous houses, he would arrive unannounced, sometimes accompanied by a guest, ring or knock at the front door, and upon being admitted, would take off to inspect his creation, as if he still owned it (which in a way, he still did).

One evening lat in his life he made just such an arrival, and upon being admitted, wandered off, as was his wont. As more and more time passed, the great man had not returned, and his hostess become concerned. She searched the house for him, finally coming to a closed bathroom door upstairs, behind which she could hear the sound of water. She knocked on the door. "Come on in," said Frank Lloyd Wright robustly responded. So she did, and was surprised to see him taking a bath.

"This has always been my favorite bathroom," he said, "and I wanted to take a bath in it."