Monday, February 7, 2011

OPINION Super Commericals? Not This Year

Lack luster commercials in this year's Super Bowl.
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As I watched the Super Bowl, I waited with anticipation for some great commercials to blow me away with their humor, a pull at my heartstrings, or a cutting edge message.  I thought that’s the least I could expect when someone paid $3 million a pop for 30 seconds of my time.  Unfortunately, my sense of disappointment rivals that of all Bears fans.
Instead, what I saw were some lame attempts at humor, a lot of violence and some pathetic celebrity endorsements (I have two words: Joan Rivers.)  Since when is it funny or ok to throw a Pepsi Max can at someone?  Is it just me?  What kind of messages are we sending? 
We watched the game as a family.  I realize that families are not the target audience of these marketers but I also know there were a lot of families watching together.  I had to tell my kids to turn away from the tv with almost every movie advertisement. 
Do we really need a car that can give us “real time” Facebook updates?  I thought the point of cars was to get us from one place to another?  Audi at least used some creativity in their spots.
There were a couple of bright spots: 
Darth Vader versus the Passat positioned Volkswagen  as a cool, family friendly company that struck a chord with men, women and children. 
The Doritos finger-licking guy was gross, but we are all talking about it this morning and although it made me gag, it also made me laugh.  (I’m a little scared next time I eat Doritos around my kids!)
Focus Rally America incorporated one of the big trends by directing people to go on line.  The only is problem is when I tried to log on at the end of the commercial, I couldn’t get on their site because it had crashed.
 Finally, the one thing that wasn’t a disappointment was the half time show.  The Black Eyed Peas and Usher put on a great show that was true to themselves, was visually appealing and got all the lyrics right.
 As for the commercials (and the Bears), there’s always next year!