Monday, November 26, 2012

If everyone thought of every person they encountered as a loved child, a much loved baby of someone's, wouldn't the intolerance, the anger, the prejudice be abated? I mean, if you thought of the guy who bumped into you and took your place in line as his mother's son, or you imagined the car that is moving painfully slow in front of you had a mom with a 5 yr old and his 'sick' goldfish in the bowl his lap on the way to the vet, or you had to sit in the parking lot while a car inched up to the curb, the woman taking FOREVER to get out, and you realize it's a woman dropping her mom off to buy flowers for her husband's grave - wouldn't you rethink how irritated, impatient, and "in a hurry" you were? Step into their moccasins. If only for a moment.

This appear on Facebook from one whom was once a little girl,
Living in the house across the street from our family's home.
This little girl remembers SO much about our family,
About my brother's beautiful singing voice,
About my older sister's love of horses (which transferred
(to Beth - the once little neighbor girl)
About my mom's kindness and cooking.

Looking at it a second time,
It's a poem-song.
In need merely
Of some line breaks, and thus

If everyone thought of every person
they encountered as a loved child,
a much loved baby of someone's,
wouldn't the intolerance, the anger,
the prejudice be abated?
I mean, if you thought of the guy
who bumped into you and took
your place in line as his mother's son,
or you imagined the car that is moving
painfully slow in front of you had a mom
with a 5 yr old and his 'sick' goldfish in the bowl ...
in his lap on the way to the vet,
or you had to sit in the parking lot
while a car inched up to the curb,
the woman taking FOREVER to get out,
and you realize it's a woman dropping
her mom off to buy flowers
for her husband's grave -
wouldn't you rethink how irritated, impatient,
and "in a hurry" you were?
Step into their moccasins.
If only for a moment.
Many thanks, Beth!