Saturday, May 31, 2008

12 Articles of Journalistic Faith

Dr. Anothony Asadullah Samad, a national columnist has written an inspiring article at The Black Commentator. For criticizing The Los Angeles Sentinel on its coverage of a local election, saying that ,

"the reporting “lacked integrity” and the paper was beginning to lack integrity"

he was advised the paper would no longer carry his syndicated column. A man of journalistic integrity, he has moved on, and now calls another paper "home."

Dr. Samad's article contains these profound truths, articles of journalistic faith.

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are centered in the freedom to criticize government, criticize social practices, criticize those responsible to the people, and yes, criticize the press when the press doesn’t serve its constitutional purpose.

The press is a “social check” in a nation of “checks and balances.”

The most important page in any paper is the editorial page, as it is the opportunity to check all segments in society, including the press when the press is wrong.


Advocacy journalism attacks false history and covertness.

Journalistic integrity, no matter who lacks it, should be called out at all costs.

Black journalists and editorialists are constantly calling out media bias and misrepresenting of the mainstream media that we see, by any standard, as unfair ... Black press is fair game too.


If a publication has a bias or a leaning, it should be stated - not inferred - and there still should be balance to the story if it is a two-sided story.

If it is an editorial, opinion still has to be factual and the opportunity for rebuttal (the other side of the story) extended.

Don’t give the appearance of neutrality and then not offer the facts or distort the facts.

All press may be entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.

Inaccuracy in the media is the greatest threat to the spirit of free thought, just as an attempt to manipulate the truth is an effort to manipulate the democracy.


I write for “the people,” not “a paper.”

Now, ask yourself these questions:

To what extent do I believe that my primary sources of printed news & opinion cleave unto these principals?

To what extent do I believe that my primary sources of television news & opinion cleave unto these principals?

To what extent do I believe that my primary sources of radio news & opinion cleave unto these principals?

To what extent might my beliefs and world views have been formed based on distorted facts, manipulations, or out right lies?

Those who fail to heed unto these articles of journalistic faith, are not journalists, not news people, not reporters, not editorialists, but literary whores who pervert, pollute and corrupt democracy.