Monday, May 26, 2008

This Election (Too) Can Be Stolen

I'm very troubled by the venom being spewed by supporters of both Senators Clinton and Obama.

Maybe that's "just politics as usual." Well, politics as usual has not been working so well for me for the last ... interesting thought (for another post).

I commented extensively today on this piece by Digby:

The "narrative(s)" for a McCain victory have already been written, aided and abetted by the level of vitriol on the left, i.e.,

(a) The "eruption" within the Democratic party between "rabid" Clinton supporters and "cultist" Obama supporters [with a McCain election seen as the Clinton's final stab-in-the back to the Party]

(b)The "racism" of white Northern "blue collar" workers [again inflamed by the Clintons - so the narrative will go]

(c) The generic "elitist slur" being hurled like hand grenades at an Obama candidacy (replaying remarks already made by Clinton to the same effect)

(d) The general "ennui" of the "public" that the Democrats weren't even able to get "their" act together to nominate a candidate until June / July -- unless something "interesting" occurs at the Democratic Convention -- "a shriek", "violence in the streets", failure to nominate on the first ballot, a brokered convention -- all ablaze before the eyes of the country which concludes "We can't really trust the Democratic Party" (and don't doubt for one second that there will be republican operative at the convention stirring up boat loads of trouble. Replay Chicago, 1968 ).

(e) The "luster" coming off of Obama as he came to "see himself as the annointed one" and a "control freak" to boot.

(f) Attention to focus on Michelle Obama -- with inevitable comparisons between her academic and professional career with ... the academic and professional career of ... the 42nd President's wife. Elect Obama and get another first lady just like ...

That's how the narratives will go, should McCain "win" the election.

Narratives notwithstanding, this election can still be stolen.

1. What has been done about the disenfranchisement of Black voters in Florida -- via the fictious felons' list from 2000?

2. What has been done to speed up voting lines in Ohio -- in the inner cities; at the college campuses?

3. What plans does the Obama campaign have to ensure that the vote that can be gotten out will be allowed to vote? What plans does the DNC have to see that stronghold voters will be able to vote conveniently?

In states where Republicans control the apparatus of voting - be assured, the inner cities will have fewer voting booths per precinct, and address changes of precincts happening with little notice.

Similar shenanigans will occur at "liberal" universities in states with Republicans in control.

Whomever wins the Democratic nomination, an dilligent ground effort will be required in all 50 states, but especially in "swing states" where the Republican party controls the voting apparatus. And that requires boots on the ground. And that means a united combined effort of all factions of the Democratic party, no matter whom their partisan candidate.

Without such an effort, IF this election can be stolen, it WILL be stolen. Right in plain sight. And with the MSM all in line (remember, their corporate owners have a vested interest Republican politicians; and failing that, they'll take the most corporate-compliant Democrat).

And if the election IS stolen, there will be sufficient finger-pointing and name-calling on the left to obscure the larger issue of theft (once again).