Thursday, July 17, 2008

For all the irony challenged literalists

Who were upset by the New Yorkers

Obama-as-a-Muslim magazine cover

Here's one
for you

David Horsey's Seattle Post-Intelligencer Political Cartoon or July 15, 2008 should become a classic. In rapid response to the New Yorkers controversial Barak-as-a-Muslim,
Michelle-as-an-armed-militant, Usama portrait hung on the wall, American Flag burning in the fireplayce, Horsey produces a "mirror image".

Featuring the 71-year old republican nominee clad in a hospital gown, eyes close, sitting on a wheel chair, drool dripping down his chin, while singing "Bomb bomb bomb -- bomb bomb Iran" hands folded on his lap and his botoxed wife emptying large quantities of pills from a bottle into her hand saying:

Here, John. Take some of my meds
To get you through the inauguarl parade!

This scene too takes place in front of a portrait on the wall of Darth Vader (Dick Cheney) while underneath the portrait, in the fireplace burns a copy of the U.S. Constitution.

What I have just described sounds like cruel carcicature, yes?

Oh, and this portrait too adorns the cover of a magazine -- The National Review.

No fair, some McCain partisans would say.

Ah -- but it is "entirely" fair, for juxtaposed in the upper left hand corner of the cartoon is the by now familiar cartoon depiction of the democratic nominee and his wife (albeit, only about 1/4 the scale of the FAKE National Review cover drawing).

And NOW the irony is apparent.

A thing of beauty, and a joy to behold.