Sunday, July 13, 2008

There will BE NO MORE

So maybe this isn't news, but Mary, posting at The Left Coaster links to a Barak Obama quote

This Administration has put forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we demand. When I am president, there will be no more illegal wire-tapping of American citizens; no more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime; no more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war. Our Constitution works, and so does the FISA court.

This quote is most interesting for what it DOES say:

There will be NO MORE

a) illegal wire-tapping of American citizens
b) national security letters to spy on citizens not suspected of a crime
c) tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war

Is this Senator Obama's polite way of "revealing" to the public that in fact all of the above HAVE occurred under the Bush administration?

Is this a revelation on Obama's part, or a surmise?

Enquiring proles want to know.