Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Children's Prayer

A few years ago, I was attended a childrens' Christmas concert. The staging for the opening song had the children surrounding the audience in the auditorium. Each child held a flash light with paper shaped over the end to appear as a candle. They were given a signal to which they simultaneously lit the flash light and began singing. As I searched their faces, I found my own son, Adam James, and in that moment tears began to stream down my face and these words came to me:

The Children's Prayer

that children
be loved, for
if they are loved,
they will be loving.
Grant too that they might
find their instrument, for with
their instrument, they will come
to know their song. And when they
know their song, they will be able to
make music, and give all of what they are,
and more, to a world which needs their song.
Finally, Lord, find ways to remind us ever, that in Your
eyes we are
all children.