Tuesday, October 12, 2010

People have commented on this blog

Fortunately, either my thin is thick, or my skull is. Or both. Someone under the influence of e e cummings sent me this a while back:

let me just add - your a fag.
or better yet a fag.
simply put a fag.

if you don't realize the implications of your own actions, then i humbly suggest you regress back to your early pond scum former being as your intelligence suggest pure darwinism.

marriage is divine and an order required for legitimate procreation. those born outside the bounds of marriage or commonly referred to as bastard children, hence the need for marriage between man and woman for procreation.
since two men sword fighting, or cornholing can't possibly result in procreation, nor can two women snail racing, or deep cavern juicing for that matter; then the need for marriage does not exist. the family therefore is not. to continue the "profound" thought of your daughter is then returned to senseless seven year old babble - as is with the majority of the voters these days: obama was elected, case-in-point


As always, I believe it is very important to define one's terms. So, fag:

a. A student at a British public school who is required to perform menial tasks for a student in a higher class.
b. A drudge.

n. Slang
A cigarette.

Slang chiefly US and Canadian short for faggot

Okay. Let me check on this faggot thing:

faggot1 esp US, fagot [ˈfægət]
1. a bundle of sticks or twigs, esp when bound together and used as fuel

2. (Engineering / Metallurgy) a bundle of iron bars, esp a box formed by four pieces of wrought iron and filled with scrap to be forged into wrought iron

3. (Cookery) a ball of chopped meat, usually pork liver, bound with herbs and bread and eaten fried

4. a bundle of anything

Ok, I'm in an optimistic mood now, so, I'll go with the bundle ... of joy!

Men and women have been procreating outside the bounds of marriage forever. Were Adam and Eve married, and if so, who performed the ceremony?

The comment about "my 7-year old daughter", well, the witty bugger just can't read critically. I have a 25- year old son, my only child. Those that can't read cannot expect their constructive criticism to be taken seriously. I do not believe that children babble. I do believe they have a lot to teach us. And I know they learn some very sophisticated lessons from a very young age.

I do detect a political bias, in that the election of the Bland One ipso facto proves a point.

And I have no doubts that the commentator Kitana, is surely better and smarter in every aspect than I. Certainly, in the confines of the world in which he dwells, this must be a comfort.

It's important to know that these people are out there.