Monday, November 1, 2010

Heck of a job, RahmE

I may owe an apology for questioning Rham Emmanuel's patriotism in my last posting. Another plausible explanation for his stepping away from what we should assume to be the second most important job in the free world is that the Bland One became disenchanted with RahmE's competence in that position.  Especially in view of B. O.'s ambiguous response to the Daily Show host
John Stewart's question about how the President would rate his chief of staff's performance.

"heck 'uv a job."

Under this scenario, the reason to avoid letting RhamE be elected Mayor of Chicago is his incompetnce at supporting (or defining or pushing through) the Presiden'ts agenda.  If RahmE couldn't figure out how to do it for B. O., how will he be able to figure out what to do for Chicago?

After all, who is supposedly more master politician than RhamE?

Either way, whether this issue is loyalty and committment to the citizens of the U. S. (or Chicago as the case may be) or competence to set and deliver an agenda, clearly

RhamE, RhamE's
Not our man
He can't do it
Elect someone who can.

I will continue to pound away at why RhamE should never be allowed to become mayor of Chicago. I will continue to do so until the name RahmE becomes the punchline on late night talk shows.

Just to speak his name aloud will become enough to make any audience break out in uncontrollable laughter.