Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Holly Baily gets it - Barack O does very well at "Yes we can," and stating the very painfully obvious

Mixed messages from the White House on tax cuts

In an interview with "60 Minutes" on Sunday, President Obama acknowledged that the White House might have a messaging problem. No kidding.

(This is great. Had I blogged it, my choice of words would have been: "No fucking shit!"
Speaking at a news conference Friday in the final stretch of his overseas trip to Asia, Obama insisted that he's not caving to Republican demands on the extension of the so-called Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. Rather, Obama insisted his "No. 1 priority" continues to be pressing for the middle-class tax cuts from the Bush 2001 package to be made permanent. He insisted that continuing current tax rates for wealthier Americans "would be a mistake and we cannot afford it."

Bull shit. CUT the damn middle class  tax cuts out.  Go back to the marginal tax rates of the Eisenhower years.
Obama's comments came a day after his senior adviser David Axelrod was quoted by the Huffington Post suggesting the White House might compromise with Republicans and accept a temporary continuation of all the Bush tax cuts. "We have to deal with the world as we find it," Axelrod said.
Axelrod - you are one waste of a fucking hard on.  "The world  as you find it" means continue to implement the Bush Administration's goals - domestically, internationally, NAFTA-ally, etc, etc, etc.

But Axelrod later backtracked, insisting the administration hadn't changed its position on tax cuts for the wealthy--he'd merely meant to suggest, he said, that the White House was open to discussion.

Never-ending discussion which never resolves anything while the lobbyists write the regulations the legislators never read. l Bidness as per usual in D.C.
Speaking to reporters in South Korea, where he has been attending the G-20 summit, Obama said the media had a "wrong interpretation" of Axelrod's comments. Obama also pointed out that negotiations on the issue between the White House and Republicans aren't set to begin until next week, when Congress returns for a lame-duck session.
The friggin MEDIA had a "wrong interpretation" of Axel-hole's comments?  If we gotta get the dick-dead media to translate one of the President's most trusted advisers comments,  it is simply another (as if further more were needed) example of the debasement of language in our current so-called "political discourse," which is just as fancy way to see, "We the people get fucked in the ass - have it sucked out of our wallets - by the have mores."

"I haven't had a conversation with Democratic and Republican leaders," Obama said. "I'm not going to negotiate here in Seoul. My job is to negotiate back in Washington."

Haven't had a conversation with Democratic leaders?  Hell, people are running from Democratic leaders like rats jumping ship. Ask Harry Reid; ask Nancy Pelosi.

Conversation with Republican leaders? Obama takes his fucking marching orders from the powers that be behind the power of the Republican leaders.
The "right interpretation," Obama reiterated, is that his position on the tax cuts remains unchanged. "I want to make sure that taxes don't go up for middle-class families on Jan. 1," he said.

WEEELLL, Barack-O ... just make sure you read the friggin' legislation before you sign it.  And if the middle-class taxes go up, don't sign it.  Otherwise, do sign it?

You need to be told how to do THIS part of your fucking job?

Barack-O .... NOT a Black MAN ... AND a disgrace to the honkey race.