Monday, November 15, 2010

Publisher of excellent investigative journalism magazine masquerading as pornography tells Obama to


Okay, Oh Bland One - you don't listen to me (or won't), but, doncha think you ought to give Larry Flynt a REAL close read?

A Warning for Obama

You are in danger of becoming a one-term president!
Wrong, Mr. Flynt - as posted here, B.O, the Bland One IS One and Done and there ain't a damned thing he can do 'bout it.  Had be been a Black MAN, he would at least have attempted to elevate people of color, women, poor people, disabled people, homeless people; the marginalized marginalized dregs of American Society.  This, B.O. did not do.  Don't bet on him doing so any time soon.  He hath made his bed with dogs that shit themselves and now he has to live with the consequences of paying fealty to rabid dogs that shit themselves - Israel, the Banksters, Big Pharma, Health Insurance Companies, Big Oil, The War-without-end-amen ever war-mongering right-wing, all military officers above the rank of colonel (or commander), the so-called inbred media elites, and the gigantic international conglomerates who just sell their "BRAND."  

Even if B.O. were to try to come clean - he has lost all credibility with his natural constitutencies (people of color, women, poor people, disabled people, homeless people; the marginalized marginalized dregs of American Society)  The groundswell will turn on B.O. so viciously, it will make a syphilitic serial spreader of aids look more popular than the man that ran on "Yes we can!"

Your attempt to reach across the aisle these past two years in the face of ongoing contempt and ridicule from the Republican Party has made you seem weak and foolish.
I call BULL SHIT.  The attempt to "reach across the aisle" was an attempt to maintain the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy, make only cosmetic changes in the financial sector, and, ultimately, to elect a Democratic President who can forever roll back the legacies of FDR and LBJ.
The fair-skinned, dope-dealing, coke-snortin, fakir is the perfect operative to pull it off.

Barack Obama does not SEEM weak and foolish.  HE FUCKING IS WEAK AND FOOLISH. (Albeit in a most articulate MUZAK elevator silky drone tone voice that is pleasing to da MAN = White TEE)

It cost you a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives this past November, and it will cost you far more in 2012 if you persist in trying to meet the opposition party halfway.
Just stop this Larry.  He persists in meeting the opposition party ALL the way.  They basically have their collective dicks in his ass up to his mouth.

It's true that you have been weakened politically, but you still have the veto. Use it to stand your ground. No compromise. You have compromised away far too much already.
What? Me Veto?  Me Vito?  Corleone?
~ Larry Flynt
Good try Larry. Wrong guy.  You backed the wrong guy.  Get of that pony before he crashes with you riding. Put your hope where you wore your heart.  Let hope go.  Let hope go. Please, please, let it come to pass - let hope go, it'll rip out all your ass.