Sunday, November 7, 2010

I may make you feel, but I can't make you think

Initial reactions to my "What kind of a whore" post lead me to follow up with my "I write for two entirely different audiences and for several different purposes, therefore" article.

Initial reaction to WKOAWhore piece was swift and filled with revulsion.  My mother was concerned about my mood and attitude, and my barber told me if I ever crossed that line again he would toss my plump fat white ass out the door never again to return any more, and then further insinuated that I must have gone off my meds (well, I DID wean myself off the worthless anti-depressants;  can't quit the mood stabalizers ever.)

What shocked both Anne and Warren was not what I had to say, but how I went about saying it, using violent, graphic language to make a pornagraphic between Obama's quid sweet blow job to the the health care and pharmacueticals corporation and their pro quo response, which permits them to their raping and pillaging of the health care resources from ALL Americans, young and old, rich and poor, black and white.

So, it was WHAT I said they found so disturbing, NOT the existence of an unlimited blank check for the sole purpose of fucking over the American Taxpayers by condemning them to ever accept fee for services doctors to allegedly treat them.

As time goes on, it will be interesting to see how this debate plays ou