President Obama urged American businesses on Monday to “get in the game” by letting loose trillions of dollars being held in reserves, saying that they can help create a “virtuous cycle” of more sales, higher demand and greater profits that will put people back to work and turn around the sluggish economy.That Barry - urging American BIDNESS to get in the game - WTF? This is an admission that his administration can't do anything for the 'Murican peoples. Well, just another reason he will be one and done. What frigging alternative universe is young Mr. Obama living in, where there are $TRILLIONS being held in reserve? Only the finance and real estate sectores; only the American and English banks.
“If there is a reason you don’t believe that this is the time to get off the sidelines — to hire and invest — I want to know about it. I want to fix it,” Mr. Obama said during a speech to business leaders at the United States Chamber of Commerce.YOU waint to fix it, Mr. President? You can't even get Israel to stop bombing Gaza? TAX the bastards -- make a hoarding tax of 10% of revenues hoarded.
In the speech, Mr. Obama pledged to eliminate unneeded regulations and simplify the tax code, but said companies have responsibilities to help the economy recover.Just how extensive are these "unneeded regulations?"
The sole reason for the complexity of the tax code is to create loop holes for corporations to avoid paying taxes.
“Ultimately, winning the future is not just about what the government can do to help you succeed,” he said. “It’s about what you can do to help America succeed.”SEW ... let me see if I have this correct: Winning the future is not just about what the government CAN do to help you suceed?" Then why do we let the government into the futures bidness? Just what is it, again, that corporations need to do to help America succeed? Bring in another 250,000 of the world's best and brightest who will take 50-75% of what an American would take to do the job, thereby lowering the amount of money need to play American employees, who in fact DO pay the taxes to support the corporations' monopolies.
The president’s comments came as he sought to reassure the business community that he is not their adversary and to mend fences with their aggressive lobbying advocate in Washington.I for one, am at a loss to know WHY Barry must seek to reassure the bidness commune that he is not their adversary - hell, he is their biggest f#cking corporate shill
“I’m here in the interest of being more neighborly,” Mr. Obama said, alluding to the contentious relationship he has had with the Chamber of Commerce over the past two years. “Maybe if we would have brought over a fruit cake when I first moved in, we would have gotten off on a better foot. But I’m going to make it up.”Too late Barry - you shoulda brought the fruit cake and gotten drunk and then had 'em sign their lives away.
The chamber has fiercely opposed most of Mr. Obama’s health care and banking agenda and spent more than $50 million during last year’s midterm elections to cast the president and his party as antibusiness and a threat to capitalism.So, the chamber of commerce is starting to unloose its purse strings and invest some money in that most lucrative of all American bidnesses - Lies and political posturing, otherwise known as political propaganda.
But the chamber, too, is eager to tone down the rhetoric, according to senior officials there. At the height of the high-profile fight with the White House, several big-name companies left its board, citing concern about the chamber’s opposition to the administration’s efforts.
In introducing Mr. Obama, Thomas J. Donohue, the Chamber of Commerce’s president, emphasized his group’s desire to work together in areas where they might agree. Those include increasing free trade and exports, investing in technology and infrastructure and reducing the nation’s debt.“ (REDUCE THE NATION'S DEBT? JUST HAVE THE CORPORATE SCOFFLAWS PAY THEIR BACK TAXES WITH PENALTIES AND INTEREST; HOW TO INCREASE EXPORTS WHEN NOBODY HAS ANY MONEY TO BUY IMPORTS; INVEST IN TECHNOLOGY? THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE IS ALREADY DOING THAT AND HAS BEEN SO DOING FOR MORE THAN 60 YEARS) I reaffirm the American business community’s absolute commitment to working with you and your administration to advancing our shared priorities,” THE ONLY PRIORITIES THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND THE PRESIDENT SHARE ARE (1) REDICING EVER FURTHER THE TAX "BURDEN" IMPOSED ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE (2) FUCKING THE AMERICAN WORKER IN THE ASS AND THEN HAVING HIM THANK THEM FOR THE ASS-FUCKING. Mr. Donohue said. “Our focus is finding a common ground to advancing America’s greatness.”
In his remarks, Mr. Obama praised Mr. Donohue for joining Richard L. Trumka, the A.F.L.-C.I.O. president, in helping to lobby Congress on behalf of investments in infrastructure and technology that the president announced in his State of the Union address last month.
“Tom Donohue and Richard Trumka are not Facebook friends,” Mr. Obama joked. “Maybe you are. I didn’t check on this. But they agree on the need to build a 21st-century infrastructure.”
And yet the détente is likely to reach only so far.
Mr. Donohue has warned of a “regulatory tsunami” that will result from Mr. Obama’s policies. In particular, he told reporters after the November elections last year that the health care law would produce hundreds of new burdens on American businesses. THE LIE, EVER THE OLD LIE - HUNDREDS OF BURDENS, BECAUSE OF ONE 588-PAGE LAW? DON'T BE RED-ICK-CUE-LOUSE
“We cannot allow this nation to move from a government of the people to a government of the regulators,” Mr. Donohue said at the time. “Regulation is the vehicle by which some seek to control our economy, our businesses and our lives — and left unchecked, it will fundamentally weaken our nation’s capacity to create jobs and opportunity.”I DON'T BELIEVE THIS GOVERNMENT WAS EVER A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE. IT'S ALWAYS BEEN A GOVERNMENT OF REGULATORS. THE ONLY JOBS THIS NATION CREATES ARE IN THE SERVICE SECTOR - "WILL THAT BE PAPER OR PLASTIC PLEASE?" "SHUT THE FUCK UP, MOTHERFUCKER"
And while Mr. Obama has initiated a review to determine whether there are unneeded regulations, REAGAN FOR 8 YEARS, GHWB FOR 4, CLINTON FOR 8, GWB FOR 8 YEARS - WHAT THE FUCK UNNEEDED REGULATIONS ARE LEFT STANDING? he is standing by his health care law and insists he is not shifting his politics to the middle.
In an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly on Sunday, Mr. Obama said: “I’m the same guy. My practical focus, my common-sense focus right now is how do we out-innovate, out-educate, out-build, out-compete the rest of the world? How do we create jobs here in the United States of America? How do we make sure that businesses are thriving?”TWO PLUS YEARS IN OFFICE AND YOUR COMMON-SENSE FOCUS IS TO OUT-INNOVATE (AFTER WE OUTSOURCE ALL OUR MANUFACTURING) OUT-EDUCATE (WHILE WE CONTINUE TO PROPOGATE NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND AND LET CHARTER SCHOOL TEACH ABOUT HOW JESUS CAME TO SAVE THE DINOSAURS, COULDN'T, AND SO WAS REDUCED TO THE IGNOMINY OF DYING ON A CROSS TO SAVE HUMANKIND - WHICH, FRANKLY, SEEMS NOT AT ALL HAVING BEEN WORTH THE EFFORT.
That rhetoric — and Mr. Obama’s decision to address the chamber in the first place — has riled some SURPRISINGLY UNNAMED liberal groups, who accused the president on Monday of consorting with the very forces they believe have worked to undercut Mr. Obama’s policies.
“Two weeks ago the president promised that he would work to rebuild people’s faith in government — meeting with the biggest lobbyists in the country is hardly a step in the right direction,” said Erica Payne, the founder of the Agenda Project, a liberal organization in New York.
But the White House has clearly made the decision that it needs to improve its relationship with the business community, GOING DOWN ON HIS KNEES TO GIVE EVEN MORE LOVING, SLOPPIER BLOW JOBS TO THE BIDNESS COMMUNITY - THE CORPORATE WHORE OBAMA BLOWS ALL CHANCES OF BEING REELECTED even if that angers some of his core supporters. Several members of Mr. Obama’s administration, including Gary Locke, the commerce secretary, and Ray LaHood, the transportation secretary, attended the event on Monday, along with his new chief of staff, Bill Daley, and Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser.
Mr. Obama pledged to “go anywhere” in the world to promote trade, a line that prompted one of the few moments of applause from the crowd of business leaders.
Mr. Obama’s suggestion that businesses can help the economy recover by spending their reserves was met with skepticism by some in the audience. Harold Jackson, a executive at Buffalo Supply Incorporated, a medical supply company, called it naive.
“Any business person has to look at the demand to their company for their product and services and make hiring decisions,” Mr. Jackson said. “I think it’s a little outside the bounds to suggest that if we hire people we don’t need, there will be more demand.”
Matthew Shay, president of the National Retail Federation, called Mr. Obama’s tone “a positive one” and said he hopes that the improving economy will encourage more businesses in his industry to began expanding.
“The retail industry sees some real opportunities for investment this year,” Mr. Shay said after the president’s speech. “I think the things the president said today are certainly more reassuring than anything we’ve heard the last two years.”