Thank you so much, Bishop Miller.

It is my contention that there is no specific misconduct ON MY PART.  The misconduct emanates entirely from Pastor Don Wink, who is perhaps overreacting to my diagnoses of bi-polar, alcholic, or discriminating against me on the basis of my profession of the Islamic Faith, or on the basis that I am totally disabled and attempting to pull my life together via the $465.00 monthly SSDI check which the U.S. Federal Government sends me, all of which are incredibly major violations of my Civil Rights and put the church (and the Chicago Synod) in an extremely vulnerable financial position, because AT THIS POINT, I intend to pursue this situation to any and all remedies.

This is my covenant before you, and God as my witness.

No mediation is acceptable to me.  This is not the first time Pastor Don has over-reacted and failed to use the power of his office to advocate for a humble sinner.


Mark Ganzer