Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Queen of the Northwest and Prophetess of the Evangelicals

At Sic Semper Tyrannus, Patrick Lang peers into the future and makes some predictions about the upcoming election.

Obama will be president. The Democrats will hold both houses of Congress so strongly that they will be tempted to govern unwisely, pushing the country farther to the left than its nature will allow.

McCain will be finished. Perhaps he can find some peace in that. Palin will become queen of the Northwest and prophetess of the Evangelicals. Unfortunately for her, there are not enough votes in that base to elect her president.

We will see what the new administration will be like.

It would be a good thing to have a government made up of human beings. pl

And thus, unwise governance involves pushing the country "farther to the left" than "its nature will allow."

Ominous sounding words. I'm not really sure what they mean. Farther to the left than what? The police state witnessed in Minneapolis / St. Paul at the Republican convention? The voters of California rejecting Proposition 8? The Federal Government hiring Blackwater operatives to ferret out medicinal marijuana facilities (made legal by in the state of California by a state referendum) and trash them in San Diego? Making a decision to stop buying $338 million dollar aircraft when $17 million dollar planes will do just as well? Withdrawal of ALL U.S. troops from Iraq (not likely)? Granting judges more latitude in sentencing guidelines? Decisions to process marijuana possession charges less vigilantly? Eliminating justice department hiring decisions based on political party affiliation? Stopping torture at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib?
Any of the aforementioned things could be construed as a "leftward push." But would these be necessarily bad? Or contrary to the wishes a majority of people in the U.S.

And what exactly is "the nature" of the country?

These are highly abstract constructs -- words that would conjure up different pictures in the heads of different people who could be carrying on a conversation about such things as "the nature of the country" and none of them having ANY idea whatsoever about what the others are talking about.

Need more specifics.