Saturday, November 1, 2008

Words of the prophets written on the knick knack walls

Anecdotal empirical evidence:

Played bridge tonight with my friend Tom who had gone to DC earlier in the week on business with one of his colleagues. While weaving their way out of the Dulles airport complex, Tom noticed something about the election paraphenalia (t-shirts, etc.) being hawked: McCain-Palin stuff being sold on a "buy one get one free" basis. Obama-Biden, no such deals applied.

Tom mentioned it to his colleague a bit later. The colleague hadn't noticed it, and had doubts about Tom's observation. But, the colleague had been tasked by his children with procuring some election stuff, and so, on the return through to the airport, colleague had to eat a little non-discounted crow. His kids had asked for Obama stuff only.

Going once, going twice, going, going, gone.

For what it's worth.