Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rape As Loophole, Abortion As Drain On Social Security, and Other "Pro-Life Truths"

by Abby Zimet
As anti-abortion activists rack up more legislative victories, their rhetoric grows ever more outlandish. In black areas in Chicago, Obama's hometown, 30 billboards proclaim, “Every 21 Minutes, Our Next Possible Leader Is Aborted.” In New Hampshire, right-winger Rick Santorumdeclared Social Security is broke because abortion is "depopulating" the country. And the GOP in Indiana has passed a restrictive abortion bill that among other things mandates women be told inaccurate "facts" about fetal pain and abortion. They also refused to exempt cases of rape or incest, 'cause then there'd be all these women who would make up stories about rape or incest. Just, you know, for fun.

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