- When you pay a prostitute $100 / hour, you get a 60 minute hour.
- You know what and who you're getting into.
- You know who and what you're getting out of.
- Even if you wanted to kill your father and sleep with you mother, you can make real progress with a prostitute before you feel compelled to admit as much.
- A prostitute is not trained to assume that every client wanted to kill their father and sleep with their mother.
- A prostitute knows that most of their clients wanted to kill their mothers.
- A prostitute knows that most of her clients merely wanted to talk with their father.
- For reasons 6 and 7 above, a prostitute will listen very carefully and knows she has a professional obligation to be non-judgmental.
- Even if a client has killed his father and slept with his mother, a prostitute won't ask how he felt about that.
- A prostitute knows her job is not to get her client in touch with his feelings.
- With a prostitute, you won't have to get a prescription after the session is over.
- With a prostitute you don't argue about the need for prophalaxis; you use it willingly.
- When a presotitute says “thanks for sharing that with me,” you know that she is not secretly disgusted with you.
- You have every reason to believe a prostitute is secretly disgusted with you before you start your session. With a psychiatrist it takes longer to come to this realization.
- You often think a prostitute is worth more than the agreed price.
- You look forward to your next session.
- If you miss a session, it really was an emergency.
- If you know that you can't make a session you make very real efforts to let a prostitute know you're going to miss the session.
- You have no qualms about recommending a prostitute to a friend or business associate.
- You get what you ask for, even if its not what you want.
- You get what you want even if its not what you need.
- You get what you need even if its not what you asked for.
- What are considered bizarre sexual maladaptations in the psychiatric literature are considered pretty normal (and frequently quite fun) to a prostitute.
- Private insurance won't pay for the sessions.
- You'll never be involuntarily committed to a whorehouse.
- You benefits won't run out after 30 days or $10,000.
- After you've paid for the services, you can leave a whorehouse anytime you choose to.
- You don't need a second opinion.
- When you choose to get a second opinion, you won't need a third opinion to break the tie.
- Your wife will never commit you to a whorehouse.
- When a prostitute has an orgasm, she's faked it.
- A prostitute won't recommend you to multi-family group therapy. You'll have to come up twith that angle yourself.
- If you don't want to get fucked on the couch, you don't have to.