Saturday, February 5, 2011

Leachman should step up to care for his horses Story Discussion Posted: Saturday, February 5, 2011 12:00 am |

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Livestock owner's responsibility: There are a lot of compassionate people donating feed, labor, equipment and vehicle fuel in providing care for the Leachman horses. They deserve our respect and gratitude. However, where is Jim Leachman in all of this? I do not see any indication that Leachman is involved in the acquisition of feed, water and its distribution to the horses.
Leachman could don his winter underwear, mittens and get his boots on the ground with an ax and pitchfork in hand to chop open water holes in the creeks and help spread out the hay. He could use one of his horses, that is in adequate condition, to pack his lunch and get around between water holes throughout the day and into the night. He could be tending to his livestock like all of the other stockmen who commit themselves to the welfare of the livestock that they are privileged to care for.
If Leachman cannot maintain a civil demeanor while he works with other people to get the job done, then maybe the court could assign a deputy to pick him up at daylight and accompany him to the jobsite and keep him focused on his responsibilities. We expect others who run afoul of the law to perform community service to help offset costs to society — Leachman could do the same.
Raymond G. Lien