Thursday, January 27, 2011

I shall set sail, and call the world my home port

My Dearest Lenora Jean Daniels,

I am sorry to hear of your need to file for disability. I will keep you in my prayers. Sorry too upon hearing that Philadelphia is not your cup of crumpets. I was there but one time for an American Contract Bridge League Spring National tournament and I simply loved what little I saw of the city of brotherly love.

My mother alleges that she will allow me to become the designated payee of my SSDI monthly check, which is all to the good, when, and or if it happens. Assuming that it does come to pass, as of 9 February, when I go to court for three of the more ridiculous charges (public intoxication on private property - which the police had no jurisdiction over; public intoxication on public propert - which typically requires that a civilian make a complaint; resisting arrest which means that I did not jump quickly enough into the crimped back seat of the squad car while my hands were cuffed behind my back).

All that in order that the police might take me to the local hospital to be held and observed in order that a $589.00 ambulance ride could transport me 19 miles to the nearest mental healthcenter (and a damn fine one at that) for testing and observation ... ALL of this because, for the fourth time in my life, I forgot to qualify a statement I made with the words: "metaphorically speaking."

If my LCSW was really concerned about me knocking my mother's head off with a baseball bat (the better that she stop repeating her altogether unfounded and unwarranted concerens) she truly ought to have called her to warn her of the dangers that were me returning to home; which, of course, she did not do, nor did the local police.


That section of the Illinois Statutes which gives shirnks, social workers, cops, judges, etc the right to have a human being involuntarily committed to a mental facility because they are of immediate and present danger to themselves and / or others is a piece of horrid legislation so easily abused as to make it almost mandatory to never take it off the books.

How the hell else are you going to be able to cart off bothersome poor white people? It's not like you can ding em up for possession of crack cocaine with the intent to distribute, or that you can send 'em back South of the border for being "illegal immigrants," but, it makes it a lot easier to put them out of sight and out of mind, without resorting to execution and dissolving the body in a vat of lye.

So - one day, and soon, I will become a truly emancipated, almost 60-year old Eisenhower Conservative, with the whole world awaiting for me to make it better. And New Orleans is looking VERY good to me, but also Billings, Seattle, Albequerque, Philadelphia, Burlington VT, Austin, Reno, Quebec, Tijiuana, Havana, and a host of other cities in other corners of the world.

When things settle down for us, we should arrange to spend some time together, with like-miinded radicals and anarchists. Wouldn't it be delightful to do a segment on DEMOCRACYNOW!

I keep you in my prayers and in my heart.

May God's grace be upon you.

Mark Raymond Ganzer