Wednesday, January 26, 2011


He was born into a world of elites -- highly educated, well traveled, talented, versatile people

He fought for none of what he has been given - his innate ability, acuity, and flexibility with language; his genius for seeing that for white people, where it is written:  "IN THE BEGINNING, THERE WAS THE WORD, AND THE WORD WAS WITH GOD AND THE WORD WAS GOOD..." that which is spoken attains the power of that which is accomplished.  And of the disparity between these to polar opposites, nothing could be further from the truth.

He freely admits his flirtations with narcotics.  So do all of my classmates and contemporaries.  Narcotics seduced us all - we lived in an age where the cigarette and the alcoholic drink were seen to be the epitomes of sophistication, wealth, education, high society.  Making the moves from beer, to whiskey, to pot, to speed, to LSD, to heroin, to cocaine, yeah even unto belladonna required merely baby steps, and enough money - which, back in the day, you could earn; there were excellent construction jobs, a country to build.  Many of my most ambitious friends spent their hard-earned summer wages not on narcotics, but upon Corvettes; almost all of which crashed within one week of being bought.  Would not the pot and the booze and the attendant pussy they would have attracted been a better investment?

Barry, was very comfortable living in a world of white people.  He spoke their language (used the same words - his understanding of black-American English is also deep and profound; the language of the whites is the language of those who speak with forked tongue; the whole world would do well to remember this.) He embraced their values - a higher education, at all the "best" schools, the ones which set the social, political, and international agendas.  Those (men, all) who benefited from the sacrifices of the Russians who tempted the Germans ever deeper and deeper into Stalingraad, burning behind them their lands, their homes, their possessions, their animals, their food; burning it all, in a savage act of terrorism to fight total war; total war, whereby every man, woman, child, and beast of burden was a weapon of the war, to be used to resist.  Yes, the Acheson's, the Dulles' bothers, Ike, LBJ, General Douglas MacArthur, et al, they had a vision ... a vision of the world in which 5% of the worlds population would consume 50% of the world's natural mineral, food and energy resources.  Where the U.S. would dictate the international monetary rules.  A reign of 1,000 years, yeah, even longer.  What the third Reich sought to become, America, in their eyes, had had the good fortune to become.  If only the world could be so ordered so that the industrious Germans and Japanese people could make the consumer products, while the peoples of Africa, the Middle East, South America, South-East Asia could work the land (for VERY little renumeration) pulling it's treasures up to be shipped to the industrial nations.

Barry is the inheritor of all these ideas, these grand designs, these clear-seeing visionaries who saw that first and foremost it was AMERICAN DEMOCRACY, (although not the kind that would permit the communist party to be viable; not the kind that would permit labor unions to strike, etc etc) and AMERICAN FREEDOMS (although not the kinds denied Black Americans in the South, denied Chinese Americans on the Pacific Coast and not the kinds denied Mexican Americans in the South West) and AMERICAN VALUES (although not the kinds that permitted a President to call on Patton, Eisenhower, et al, to gun down the veterans of the first World War who marched in the streets demanding that their country take care of them, that she defend them NOW, in their hour of gravest impoverishment).

Barry is the culmination. The fusion man.  Cool, collected; prosaic speaker, whose words soar to the heights.  But when analyzed closely, they are merely words; not ideas; there is no substance there.  For while Barry is the inheritor of the Great American Dream - its true legatees are the sons and daughters born in that upper-middle class adjacent to the uber-wealthiest.  The GAD relies always on their belief in its rightness, its correctness, its ordained by God.

Because in Barry, no longer is it just the European who can ascend to the riches of the heaven-favored elite host, it is the man (and woman too) of color; the man-of-the-world who knows how to sing the song, to dance the dance, and the piper to pay.

He is the White House Negro, keeping the fictions that are ingrained and inculcated into the conscience of American school children everywhere by the American System of Indoctrination (anything, anything but education), keeping; them to the forefront of his words, as if by saying them, somehow, magically, in the end, it will all be well.

All the while the corporate puppet-masters smile and approve. They are comfortable with this man. Their interests, and their interests only and always will he serve.  He knows no other way.  He can perceive no other life.  His life has been one of comfort, always of comfort, and he has recognized it as such, and is duly grateful.

Let us pray:  "Oh dear Lord,
                    "Preserve us from the temptations of creature comforts
                    "That we may never become blinded and inured to the suffering and misery
                    "That are inflicted each and every day by the tiny minority among us
                    "Unto that great, vast, unwashed majority, that worships you
                    "That glorifies you, and would give all of what they have to help one in more
                    "Meager circumstance, yeah, would even give their lives, to save the world from death
                    "That we might not die, but have eternal life."